Bisleri, India's leading mineral water brand, has recently launched a new campaign featuring Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone as its global brand ambassador. The campaign, titled "Bisleri #DrinkItUp," aims to position Bisleri as a brand synonymous...
The Rs 5-trillion domestic Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market in India is witnessing a revival of small and regional brands, prompting established national players to revamp their strategies. These nimble-footed newcomers are wielding a potent...
Parle-G, the popular biscuit brand, has recently launched its latest campaign titled 'G Maane Genius,' which focuses on inculcating values in children. The campaign aims to highlight the innate empathy and compassion that young children...
India, a prominent player in the global tea market, faced a significant decrease in both its tea shipments and export revenues throughout the April-October duration. Various factors, including decreased prices and obstacles encountered in traditional...
Sunil Dhar has recently taken over as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Red Bull India, effective from January 1st, 2024. Dhar brings a wealth of experience to his new role as CEO of Red...
Celebrated chef Vikas Khanna has forged a significant partnership with Organic Tattva, a brand committed to organic purity, to promote their range of organic flour and pulses. The collaboration aims to ignite a movement towards...
Fortune, the flagship edible oil brand of Adani Wilmar, has launched a new campaign titled 'Ghar Ka Khana Ghar ka khana hota hai' to encourage individuals to rediscover the joy of home-cooked meals. The campaign...
Reports from Business Standard indicate that the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector is currently experiencing persistent low demand, leading to a congestion in the supply chain and a notable increase in inventory days. This surge...
Reliance Consumer Products (RCPL), a subsidiary of Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd, has recently made a significant acquisition by acquiring the confectionery business of Ravalgaon Sugar Farm. The acquisition aligns with RCPL's strategy of acquiring established...
Varun Beverages, the leading bottler for PepsiCo in India, is set to capitalise on the growth drivers of rural penetration and capacity gains. With the expansion of refrigeration in rural areas and strategic beverage launches,...