YCOM, a leading mobile accessories brand, has recently announced actor Vijay Varma as its brand ambassador for the #ApniSuno campaign. Known for his versatile performances in various OTT series and Indian movies, Vijay Varma has...
OnePlus, the global handset maker, has announced its plans to double investments for retail expansion and open 200 stores in 2024. This move reflects the company's renewed focus on its retail strategy and aims to...
Kent RO Systems, a leading water purifier manufacturer based in Noida, India, is gearing up to enter the US market. The company aims to achieve a turnover of Rs 2000 crore in the next three...
BSH Home Appliances, a prominent player in the home appliance industry, has unveiled a strategic rebranding initiative for Siemens Home Appliance, marking a significant milestone in the realm of high-end home appliances in India. The...
Samsung, the South Korean electronics giant, has been denied production-linked incentives (PLI) for smartphone manufacturing in fiscal year 2022 (FY22) in India. The company failed to meet the production targets set by the Indian government,...
In a significant shift in the smartphone industry, Apple has emerged as the leader in the global smartphone market, surpassing Samsung in 2023. This achievement is attributed to Apple's 20.1% market share, as reported by...
Samsung has recently received approval to enable blood pressure measurement and ECG readings on its smartwatches, bringing them on par with the Apple Watch in terms of health monitoring. This move is expected to help...
Poco, the popular smartphone brand, has recently launched its flagship smartphone, the Poco X6 Pro, with an exciting campaign featuring Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya. The campaign, titled #TheUltimatePredator, aims to highlight the superior performance and...
In a bid to combat growing competition in the Chinese smartphone market, Apple has announced rare discounts on its iPhone 15 series. The U.S. tech giant has reduced the retail prices of some iPhone models...
BSH Home Appliances, a subsidiary of BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, is planning to significantly increase its localization efforts in India. The company, which houses three brands - Bosch, Siemens, and Gaggenau, aims to raise its localization...