Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

Indian single malt whiskies have achieved a significant milestone by surpassing established international brands in sales. Recent data from the Confederation of Indian Alcoholic Beverage Companies (CIABC) reveals that Indian single malts captured an impressive 53% share of total sales in 2023. Out of the approximately 675,000 cases of single malts sold in India last year, around 345,000 cases were attributed to Indian-origin makers, while the remaining 330,000 cases came from Scottish and other international brands. Local Indian brands witnessed a growth rate of 23% in 2023, outpacing the more conservative 11% growth of imported ones.

Indian whiskey makers have come a long way in terms of quality and refinement, gaining recognition globally. The exceptional quality of Indian single malts has contributed to their rising demand. India’s fast-growing and diverse market, coupled with the younger audience’s inclination towards niche products, has fueled the preference for ‘Made in India’ brands.

Major international players like Diageo and Pernod Ricard, traditionally sourcing their single malts from Scotland, have entered the Indian market. Diageo introduced Godawan in 2022, while Pernod recently launched its first Indian single malt, Longitude 77. The entry of international players reflects the attractiveness of the Indian market, with its fast growth and diverse consumer base.

Indian single malt makers challenge the traditionalism of Scotch puritans by emphasising the fantastic quality and experimentation embraced by Indian distillers. Indian single malt brands are working towards ensuring quality and consistency to establish themselves as global brands. 

RTM Watch’s Take

The rise of Indian single malts in the global whiskey market is a significant development. It showcases the growing recognition of Indian brands and their ability to compete with established international players. The success of Indian single malts can be attributed to their exceptional quality, diverse market appeal, and the willingness of Indian distillers to experiment and innovate. As the Indian whiskey industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for Indian brands to maintain their commitment to quality and consistency to solidify their position in the global market.


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