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Tata Tea is addressing the persistent problem of Vitamin D deficiency in India, despite the abundant sunlight the country receives. As we approach World Vitamin D Day on November 2, the company has unveiled the findings of a recent survey. The survey reveals that 96 percent of surveyed individuals in key Indian cities, who are aware of the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency, are eager to address it with convenient solutions. Moreover, 67 percent of respondents expressed their willingness to incorporate everyday food and beverage products as a means to combat this deficiency.

The survey, which was carried out in Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata, provides valuable insights into consumer preferences for more straightforward lifestyle solutions. Participants in the survey spanned a diverse range of age groups, from 24 to 50 years, representing a varied demographic.

In response to the urgent concern of Vitamin D deficiency, Tata Tea has introduced Tata Tea Gold Vita-Care, a tea enriched with essential vitamins D, B12, B6, and B9. By consuming just two cups of Tata Tea Gold Vita-Care, individuals can fulfill 30 percent of their daily vitamin requirements for these crucial vitamins, all while relishing the delectable taste of their daily tea.

Puneet Das, the President of Packaged Beverages for Tata Consumer Products in India and South Asia, stated that the introduction of Tata Tea Gold Vita-Care reaffirms their commitment to enhancing the consumer experience and fulfilling unmet well-being needs. He added that with the introduction of Tata Tea Gold Vita-Care Tea, they offer an everyday convenient option that would provide consumers with 30% of their daily requirement for Vitamin D, B12, B6, and B9 when they consume two cups of tea a day.

Tata Tea’s Tata Tea Gold Vita-Care is now available across various retail outlets and e-commerce platforms. It offers a convenient way for consumers to incorporate essential vitamins into their daily diet while enjoying their cup of tea. This initiative aims to address the widespread issue of Vitamin D deficiency in India and promote the well-being of the population.


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