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Cadbury has recently confessed to making a significant alteration to its Heroes tubs, following an apology to a customer who raised a complaint. The confectionery company has a devoted fan base that enjoys indulging in these bite-sized treats during the Christmas season, and they have come to expect a specific assortment of chocolates in their purple Heroes tubs.

Dairy Milk, Dairy Milk Caramel, Twirl, Wispa, Eclair, Dinky Decker, Crunchie, Fudge, and Creme Egg Twisted are all part of the cherished miniature selection that makes the Heroes tub so popular. For many Brits, it’s a beloved tradition to rummage through these chocolate assortments while watching a festive film.

However, the experience of one Cadbury customer took an unexpected turn when they discovered that one of the chocolates was substantially bigger in size. The customer reached out to Cadbury on X with a complaint, surprised that there were full-size Twirl bars inside the Heroes tub, instead of the usual bite-sized versions. They stated, “We bought a box of Cadbury Heroes and were shocked to see full-size Twirls included. What’s the craic? Looks like they ran out of the hero size and chucked in two twirls. It’s not what I bought or ordered.”

The complaint quickly caught Cadbury’s attention, and they promptly acknowledged the inconsistency. Cadbury’s response stated, “We’re sorry to hear you are not happy with this change. Due to supply chain issues, in a small percentage of Heroes tubs, we have temporarily substituted bite-sized Cadbury Twirl with the slightly larger Cadbury Twirl 21g. This means you will still have the same amount of chocolate to enjoy in every tub!”

This isn’t the first time that supply chain issues have affected the availability of bite-sized Twirls in Heroes tubs. A similar situation occurred around the same time last year, leaving customers with larger Twirl bars instead of the expected mini ones.

The unexpected change has sparked discussions on social media and online forums, with some speculating about the reasons behind this alteration. Whether due to a supply chain malfunction, low Twirl stock, or other factors, the switch from mini to full-sized Twirl bars has definitely raised eyebrows among Cadbury’s loyal customers.

Despite the surprise, many chocolate lovers still view the Heroes tub as a delightful Christmas tradition, and this change will likely only add to the uniqueness of the 2023 holiday season in the UK.


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