Image source: Kārlis Dambrāns, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Mobile phone retailers have flagged the high availability of OnePlus products in the grey market, which refers to the unauthorised sale of products outside of official distribution channels. This poses a significant challenge for retailers who are authorised to sell OnePlus products through offline retail stores. The availability of OnePlus devices in the grey market not only affects the sales of authorised retailers but also undermines the brand’s reputation and pricing structure.

Another issue raised by retailers is the delayed settlement claims by over six months. Retailers have reported that they are facing difficulties in receiving timely payments for the OnePlus products they sell. This delay in settlement claims adds to the financial burden of retailers and affects their cash flow, making it challenging for them to sustain their business operations.

Retailers have also highlighted the absence of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in retail as a major concern. The lack of clear guidelines and protocols for offline retail operations creates confusion and inefficiencies in the distribution and sales process. Retailers are calling for the implementation of SOPs to streamline operations, ensure transparency, and provide a level playing field for all retailers.

RTM Watch’s Take

The challenges faced by OnePlus in its offline retail expansion plans highlight the importance of establishing strong partnerships with retailers and implementing effective distribution strategies. It is crucial for OnePlus to address the concerns raised by retailers regarding the availability of products in the grey market, delayed settlement claims, and the absence of SOPs. By working closely with retailers and providing them with the necessary support and resources, OnePlus can build trust, strengthen its retail network, and ensure a seamless offline retail experience for customers. It is essential for OnePlus to prioritise the needs and concerns of its retail partners to maintain a strong presence in the offline retail market.


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