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Cadbury 5 Star, a popular chocolate brand in India, has taken a unique approach to Valentine’s Day by introducing a time travel device that allows individuals to skip the day entirely. This innovative campaign aims to cater to those who are disenchanted with the traditional celebrations of love. By partnering with renowned space scientist Nambi Narayanan, Cadbury 5 Star has created a mission to erase Valentine’s Day from the calendars of its detractors.

Cadbury 5 Star’s campaign centres around a “time travel vessel” named F.NS. Cringe Vinash. This ship will cross the International Date Line between American Samoa and Samoa at precisely 11:59 pm on February 13, 2024. By doing so, it will effectively skip Valentine’s Day and jump straight to February 15, 2024, erasing the day from the participants’ calendars.

Nitin Saini, Mondelez India’s Vice President of Marketing, expressed that the Cadbury 5Star brand embodies bold cheekiness and mischief. He stated that the current campaign aims to elevate whimsy to a new level by attempting the impossible – Erasing Valentine’s Day. 

On February 14, three volunteers will embark on this extraordinary mission aboard the F.NS. Cringe Vinash. Equipped with an abundance of Cadbury 5 Star chocolates, these volunteers will symbolise the spirit of all those who wish to erase Valentine’s Day from their calendars. The entire event will be live-streamed globally, allowing viewers to witness the spectacle and the volunteers’ journey through time.

To generate excitement and engagement, Cadbury 5 Star has released a promotional film announcing the mission and inviting viewers to sign up as “Mission Engineers” by visiting the campaign’s website. These Mission Engineers will play a key role in making history by virtually connecting with the control room on February 14 and contributing live to certain decisions made by the crew aboard the F.NS. Cringe Vinash.

RTM Watch’s Take

Cadbury 5 Star’s time travel campaign is a bold and innovative approach to Valentine’s Day. By offering an alternative to traditional celebrations, the brand aims to cater to individuals who may feel disenchanted or overwhelmed by the day of love. The use of a time travel vessel and the involvement of a renowned space scientist add an element of excitement and credibility to the campaign. The live-streamed event and the opportunity for viewers to participate as Mission Engineers further enhance the engagement and interactivity of the campaign. Cadbury 5 Star’s unique approach is likely to generate buzz and create a memorable experience for participants and viewers alike.


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