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Gen Z is rapidly becoming a dominant force in the smartphone market and is expected to contribute over 44% of smartphone sales in 2024, according to some reports. There is a substantial consumer base to consider in this segment and as they enter adulthood and gain purchasing power, their impact on the smartphone market is undeniable. Gen Z has grown up in a digital era, where smartphones are an integral part of their daily lives. They rely on smartphones for communication, entertainment, social media, and online shopping.

Gen Z’s preference for social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram plays a significant role in driving smartphone sales. These platforms offer a wide range of content and experiences that are best enjoyed on smartphones. Gen Z is a mobile-first generation, meaning they prioritise mobile devices over other forms of technology. They expect seamless mobile experiences and are more likely to engage with brands that offer mobile-friendly interfaces and apps.

To effectively reach Gen Z, marketers need to prioritise mobile-optimised marketing strategies. This includes creating mobile-friendly websites, developing engaging mobile apps, and leveraging social media platforms popular among Gen Z. Gen Z values authenticity and personalised experiences. Brands that can establish genuine connections and offer personalised shopping experiences are more likely to win their trust and loyalty. Gen Z’s inclination towards shopping on social media platforms presents a significant opportunity for businesses. 

Brands should consider integrating social commerce tools like in-app checkout to provide seamless shopping experiences. Gen Z is concerned about data privacy and expects brands to protect their personal information. Building trust through transparent data protection policies is crucial for businesses targeting this generation.

RTM Watch’s Take

Gen Z’s contribution to smartphone sales in 2024 is a game-changing trend that businesses and marketers cannot ignore. This generation’s reliance on smartphones, social media influence, and mobile-first mindset make them a key target audience. To succeed in capturing Gen Z’s attention and loyalty, brands must prioritise mobile optimization, authenticity, personalization, and data privacy. By understanding and adapting to Gen Z’s preferences and behaviours, businesses can tap into this lucrative market segment and drive smartphone sales.


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